all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 8AG 39 0 51.315679 -0.604371
GU21 8AL 20 0 51.316214 -0.603236
GU21 8AN 21 0 51.31567 -0.602822
GU21 8AP 23 0 51.316441 -0.602683
GU21 8AQ 32 0 51.315123 -0.603699
GU21 8AR 23 0 51.317115 -0.601874
GU21 8AS 30 0 51.317649 -0.601398
GU21 8AT 49 0 51.313799 -0.601271
GU21 8AU 28 1 51.313676 -0.60007
GU21 8AW 17 0 51.316067 -0.602178
GU21 8AX 20 0 51.314708 -0.600656
GU21 8AY 55 0 51.315156 -0.599767
GU21 8EG 24 0 51.31371 -0.595348
GU21 8EW 1 1 51.321967 -0.555573
GU21 8PU 41 0 51.313413 -0.59606
GU21 8SB 2 0 51.317651 -0.599414
GU21 8SH 20 0 51.313679 -0.59875
GU21 8SP 11 3 51.313591 -0.596672
GU21 8SR 18 0 51.313216 -0.59763
GU21 8SS 19 0 51.313721 -0.597801